So much for that last deadline...
Okay, it is official, I am buried under papers and need to prepare for finals, so substantive updates will have to wait about a week or two. Unit then, check out the recent goings on between Japan and China, specifically the continual protests in China against Japan. The protests are largely based on two issues central to Sino-Japanese relations; access to oil and gas reserves in the East China Sea and the content of Japanese history books which, the Chinese claim, downplays atrocities committed by the occupying Japanese during World War II. These protests mark yet another chapter in the escalating tensions in the region (i.e. Taiwan and the anti-secession law, a nuclear North Korea, closer US-Japanese security relations, and US protests over the valuation (or, in their opinion, over valuation) of China's currency).
Also, check out this post from Intel Dump once again illustrating that glib wit of Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. Given what our soldiers have to put up with on a daily basis they deserve better than snide remarks and jokes about the rough day he is having...
Filed as: Sino-Japanese Relations, Japan, China, Rumsfeld